ok, so i got my hands right down near the roots and the thing just literally came up to the surface, along with a rotting fish carcass (which was no doubt bad for the other fish?)
it was so decayed, its head was crumbly like feta cheese (no, i didnt try any)....
the plant turned out to be enormous once i dragged it out, around 7ft long.
Looked like something from day of the triffids....
Unfortunately caused a LOT of sediment/soil to be disturbed, it had a clay pipe around one section, and had completely outgrown the plastic pot it was in.
I then quickly got to work with the water change and did 80% as the water was very very dirty, and ammonia levels still at around 6.
The fish are now swimming around (they cant have had much room with that plant in), and seem OK.
Only time will tell i suppose, will do another ammonia test in the morning.
The lady at the store said not to do another water change for at least a day or two - would you agree? do things need to settle?