J.W Wrote:
Good going addy.............if I send you my pw will you get rid of my moles
RLMBO :razz: :razz:
Go and by a bag of Spectracide Grass bug killer granules spread it around your yard and surrounding areas and water it in and the moles will move on to better hunting grounds.
More then likely your neighbor. Get rid of what they are eating and they go away.
You will have to do this a couple of times a year or so, because as soon as the food returns so do the moles.
I know but just in case
stay a few feet from your pond to make sure it do's not fall in there
and make sure you water it in before you let your pets out there.
Truthfully they would have to eat a hole lot to even get sick but still it dissolves very quickly with water and then it is no problem.
Moles eat grub worms and bugs thats what you want to get rid of
Gophers eat plants veggies and such whole different problem