morewater, do you have a flushvalve on your filter? i too only clean my media once a year. a lite swish in a baby pool of pond water.
do you prefilter? i use prefilters, this minimizes the amount of debris even making it to the filter.
look i by no means claim skippy filters are best. but i know they work. and i dont need a 50 page scientific study to show me. i have used my 2 skippys, one inside, one outside since 2008. i keep hundreds of fish in my ponds. my outdoor pond is 1200gals, my indoor pond is 800gals. i feed more than a cup of food a day, even in my indoor pond. i have never had water quality issues. i have never lost a fish to anything but a heron attack. this is my experience, others may have had different. but like my daddy always said...:IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT"! so if the time ever comes to give me reason, i will consider changing my filtration. but till then,.....
Hundreds of fish! Love it! I would love to have more fish ..... I just need a better filter set up. Plus cleaning ONCE A YEAR! Love that too! I clean every week. I definitely need a better filter set up.