It's actually not to hard to control these breeding's . one keep the fish more on the hungry side feed less. the fish will munch on algae's and insects both in and out of the pond. Take a 5 gallon water jug and cut the top off where it meets the main belly of the jug. turn the top around and place the opening on the top into the belly of the jug so you now have a funnel and the small opening in the center of the jug. drill some holes along the seam of the jug and the reversed top and attach them together using zip ties. tie a rope onto the handle of the jug place a couple rocks inside the jug and throw a little food in the jug come back in an hour a day or even two days and see what you got. is it a fast way to remove the babies... no .. does it require lots of time on your part but it will do the job place the jug where you see the babies hanging out try and place the funnel in the areas that they swim. if you have to suspend the trap with the rope to a certain height use two ropes like tying off a boat.