Just finished helping plant seeds in starter tray. So, as I was typing, daughter in law decided she wanted chickens. She also wants ducks... my pond will not be a duck pond! I’m planning a netting for it, that means ducks will need their own pond. But anyway, Alyssa decided she wanted chickens and ducks, Austin told her a limit of 10, and hold off on the ducks, and we got 2 of the last three of a type of chicken, so he wimped out and got all three of those. The third one is a bit iffy on if it will survive, it’s cloaca was closed by poo, as well as one other chicks, so I got them home, set up the critter cage, heat lamp, etc, then cleaned their butts, and left those two inside to dry while the others got settled in. So this upcoming month, we’ve got garden and chicken coop to get ready. Then I want to focus on mowing, fencing, and cleaning out the old barn so we can tear it down. It’s in bad shape, big hole in the roof. Dad suggested since these two want their own place, we tear down the barn and build a 2 bedroom house on that concrete slab, with foundation only set where the old chicken coop was so that we don’t end up fighting to run plumbing through concrete slab. Then when the time comes, if they need a bigger place, we can trade houses. A two bedroom will be good enough to start with. And since dad already knows a lot about construction and electrical wiring from when he was in the army, working as an electrician in an engineer unit, it’ll be mostly the cost of supplies if we do most of the work.