I just need to have the extra money to buy from local bee keepers. I still have the number for the folks who rescued the wild hive who’s tree fell about two years back. All our extra money went into much needed house work, and pond aquarium stuff!
I’ve got house work and yard work I need to knock out today. The pups figured out how to get out of their fence, I went out, identified 4 spots they might be using, blocked off two, need to remove branches pinning the other two, but will need help with those. Of the two I fixed (ish) one will need nailed down, the other is a gap between fence and wall I need to find a way to block semi permanently. The fence will be getting moved, hopefully this year, if we can muster man power and energy for it. But I also need to do a load of laundry and work on a deep clean of the kitchen, two of the cats keep getting on the counter, possibly going after mice. And we have gotten lazy this month, so it needs a full cleaning, sinks bleached, mop the floors, cabinets cleaned and rearranged, that kind of stuff.