More puppies. Sable is in labor now. This is dads dog, and we apparently didn’t get Brian’s fixed in time. I told them to keep her away from the males when she went in heat, I was largely ignored, so here we are two puppies and counting. So far One boy one girl, both have moms coloring, with the boy being a shade darker, like mom was when she was born. I noticed they tend to lighten up as they grow, so what looks rather dark now will be the dark honey blond with black points on face and tail.
The older litter should be about 7-8 weeks old now, so I’ll go get their shots tomorrow or Monday and pick up the shots for these ones then too. I’ll store the shots for this litter till they are old enough, and give the adults rabies boosters too. One I’ve given the older puppies their shots, I’ll be trying to find them homes, except for Chunk, cause he’s a sweet lazy boy, and we need a big boy to raise as next alpha guard dog.
Monday I’ll be moving sable into the wash room where we can clean puppy messes easily, because puppies go from cute little things to poop machines quickly, and once puppies are a bit bigger, they’ll be moved to the porch where the other puppies were.