I’m feeling a bit down. So I had an issue come up at work yesterday, I let my boss know via text and left a detailed note about it. When she came in this morning, she threw away the note, started dealing with the problem, and then asked me where my issue was. It was detailed out in the note... that she threw away with out reading... and upon further conversation, I see that she didn’t get my point in the text either, because she barely registered it. So I’ve decided that with upcoming holidays, the co workers I care about, I will put in my two weeks notice in December so that the end of the year coincides with the end of my time there. I’ve become burnt out, tired of dealing with the same problems, same type of people just different faces, and fighting to improve things by myself, things I see that others ignore. I’m the kind of person who sees an issue before it’s actually a problem, and point it out ahead of time, such as a co worker who’s showing signs of not pulling their share of work, small complaints from customers, before it goes to corporate, items not priced right, things not working right. I fix what I can, I literally give the job hours of my time when I should be on my way home instead, doing the extra that needs to be done. But when others don’t do what they are supposed to do, and get away with it, it burns you out. I’ve lost the patience I used to have, I just want folks to get what they want quickly and get out so I can move on to my next task. I want my co workers to do their job with the same care and diligence as I do. Instead, I come into a half rumped effort on things that I then have to redo, ruining my ability to do my job like I’m supposed to, and the boss ignores the problem. I would give notice now, but I’m going to wait, and let them know early next month so they can find the two people they need to fill my job. I’m technically holding two full time spots, ast manager and the full time overnight. Both could be promoted from within existing staff, but one will require at least a full month of training. I’m so tired, and as I’m friends with coworkers and boss on Facebook, I can’t vent there until I’ve let them know. When I told my husband my plan, he was actually happy I’ve decided to leave this job. Now I just need to find a new one and have that lined up for once I leave this one. I expect a pay cut, loss of benefits and insurance for a while, but that’s ok, I will have less stress, and hopefully the next job will be better for me.