Resting. Got the results from MRI of my knee, saw the Orthopaedic doc, got more x-rays, and found out I have two tears in the meniscus. We discussed options and he ruled out replacement surgery because I am to old. Anyway, I decided to find a second opinion since he wanted to do a surgical procedure to remove the tears and said it may or may not improve the pain. On the bright side, one of the neighbor boys, who helps with the yard, will be assisting my wife with finishing my pond. We hope to start later this week. While waiting for my knee to feel better, I have redesigned my pond some so I will have a bigger bog. Saw the post on all the irises available and decided I needed more bog area for all the ones I would like. I am so excited to a least get the liner in the pond and water flowing. Will seek guidance on how to cycle the pond with no fish and winter coming. It really doesn’t get cold for long periods here so wondering if some plants might get established over the winter.