What Liner Is Right For My Pond?

Oct 28, 2013
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Northern IL
in California, Texas Arizona and Nevada they just to last 2-3 years.... EPDM is petroleum rubber sensitive to heat and is not NSF certified nor Fish Safe certified... But everyone has a choice...

Maybe we can hear from some of our members in these hotter states. I think your data is way off. And EPDM pond liners are listed as fish safe - if you have information that says otherwise, please post it.

Can always look at roofing supply houses that sell roofing rubber at a lower price the official pond liner. Both are made the same .. never had any issues

Just be careful as roofing material is treated differently than pond liner - roofing material is treated with an anti-bacterial substance that could cause problems. I'm not sure of the cost difference, but since the liner is the first thing going in the pond you don't want to find out when you're done that it's causing issues for your fish or pond.
Mar 12, 2012
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TBH... i know you are in 6b part of CA... but is 2 feet deep not going to be a potential freeze issue during the winter?

For the roofing rubber... I've heard that as well about added chemicals, but i can't find anyone's story about how they used roofing liner, added fish who then died, and then can definitively say it was from using roofing rubber. If you fill up a pond one day.. toss fish in the next... there are plenty of reasons those fish will of course die that have nothing to do with the liner. All the stories read that they just rinsed the talc powder off and it's been fine. I have used mine for 10 years and haven't had any issues. By father's small pond is 17+ years and no issues. An a friend's large pond is 13 years in and no issues.

If the cost isn't too much of a savings.. then go with the official pond liner to be safe. In my neck of the woods, the cost difference is quite large though.

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