True friends just call me Larkin
Karen said:So, should I do anything about them? Brush the liner, change some water, anything? Also....I think I no longer have any fish or turtles. I haven't bought a pond testing kit yet, not sure where I can buy one where I live, may have to order it online...but I used my pool testing kit and according to that, I have a high PH....might be the reason my fish are dead. Should I do anything yet (buy more fish? change the water? add more plants? Too many plants? Etc?....or is this the cycling process that just has to take place and will eventually balance out???
If you brush them off the pond will get cloudy, it may clear up quickly it may not, They form those strings from mud and sediment that have gotten into the pond. they will disappear once there is more active life in the pond, Cosmetically you can brush them it won't hurt or help. How high is the PH? leave it alone right now if it is between 7.0 and 8.4, much higher and this would probably be the best time to adjust. How long has the water been in the pond now? Do not add any fish just yet, plants won't hurt at all. Right now I would like to see the following test done if at all possible.
PH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, GH and KH. These are the basic need to monitor tests along with monitoring temp.
If your going to get a test kit I would recommend the Aquarium Pharmicitical Master test kit. Should run between $30-$35 on ebay or Pet store. If you can't get the water tested locally you need this kit. I promise it will be money well spent. Lets see where we stand here. I need to go back and read some of what you have done. Malak has brought up some good points and I want to go back and check a couple of things before going any farther just yet.