@SEKCOBRA I was very frustrated when wanting to be a better pond keeper I started searching for knowledge on the internet. I found nothing but controversy...I was told I needed to have a bottom drain to keep koi, add salt, pressurized filtration etc. The truth is that not all pond are the same, and what works for one may not work for another.
I stopped listening to all the advises pulling me in all different directions, and decided to try different ways myself....
I used to use chemicals to correct algae, cloudy water, ph, you name it, and yes my pond looked good, but it was a lot of work and very expensive.
Now that I keep as many plants that I can fit, my only maintenance is to rinse the pads in the mechanical filter as needed, and once a year the bio filter.
That's it, no more trying to correct this and that, I keep it simple and it works for my pond