We are now in Mexico, home

Mar 10, 2013
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NE Penna.

I am new here too, but would still love to read it. My younger brother has had a number of stories published and it is such fun to read them. :toothy12:


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Ok then I shall go ahead and ask Ian if it would be ok for you to post some of the story each day or when ever you feel like posting Bullfrog :razz:


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
I went ahead and sent Ian a pm about you wanting to know if its ok to post some of your story each day or whenvever Bullfrog. Told him if he had any questions he could pm you. Hope he says yes!


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
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I enjoy reading about your new and exciting life. I often wondered what happens to people who had a pond, what happens later in life, not everybody has a pond for life. Some people get to old to work a pond and garden, some people are forced to move due to job or lose their house, or get sick and some die... so it is refreshing to hear about real life pond people who are adventurous and starts a new exciting life after retirement!

If we all stuck to the topic all of the time, this place would be boring and very dull. I like to hear real life stories and I often wandered off topic from time to time, when my hubby had cancer, and I cried about my life "on line" here, things happen, we are real people with real stories and real personalities, and I am thankful that you are still here Bullfrog! :)
Aug 15, 2011
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Manchester, UK
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United Kingdom
Ian has replied to your PM j.w - Bullfrog I am happy for you to post exerpts from your book on the forums :) As you are an active member of the forums I know you are not here to just promote your books!

By the way, I've really enjoyed reading about your adventures! I'm glad that everything is going well for you both!


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
I just read his reply Becky and thanked him for letting bullfrog post his story. Any of you that come to read I'm sure will enjoy it!
He's a good guy and I've know him for several years. Becky,I hope you are feeling much better now while recouping from your back surgery.
Feb 6, 2010
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Becky said:
Ian has replied to your PM j.w - Bullfrog I am happy for you to post exerpts from your book on the forums :) As you are an active member of the forums I know you are not here to just promote your books!

By the way, I've really enjoyed reading about your adventures! I'm glad that everything is going well for you both!
Thank you, it will be broken down into small parts. This actually began on another ponding forum as a short story about JW and another member. Getting a lot of encouragement, it soon grew into a full novel. I really enjoyed writing this one and it does lay the groundwork for the rest of the series, but as I said, it is tottering baby steps compared to my last book, "Goldfish". Writing, like any craft, improves with time and experience. Bear in mind, this book was created entirely online with JW and a few other good friends editing and looking for typos and errors. JW is Angelica, fashioned after her own daring personality, and Celeste is the princess. With no further ado, I will open "Vengeance in a separate thread.
Feb 6, 2010
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My name is Felipe Montoya and this is my tale. In order for me to tell you this, I must go back to the beginning. How did I, a simple fisherman become a pirate, the most wanted man in the Caribbean and the new colonies of Mexico? Why was I forced to kill and just how did I, an honest man become the sole focus of the King‘s wrath? As I said, I must start at the beginning, it is a long tale of bravery, love, betrayal and devotion. The story of common men struggling together to defeat insurmountable odds. My story was written long ago, let God be my judge.

The east coast of the Yucatan.

It was a time of turmoil, the people of Mexico were under the crushing oppression of the Spaniards. One by one the ancient, mighty civilizations fell. The vast Aztec Empire spread over the central regions with their advanced astronomy, huge temples and pyramids were put to the blade. The Mayans further to the south and finally the mighty Inca Kingdom, all were systematically slaughtered by the Spaniards. Their great temples were looted and those who were not killed were subjugated into slavery. All were firmly ground under the heel of the Spanish boot.
Disease brought by the Spaniards to which they had no immunity, eliminated a full third of the remaining population. What had once been proud and strong cultures were now reduced to a population of begging paupers. The new government of the Spanish colonies, far from the watchful eyes of the king were rampant with corruption. False arrests, bribes, land and asset seizures, even unjust executions for crimes not committed were routinely carried out.
A rigid social structure was put into place. The Pure bloods, those who were actually born in Spain or Gachupines as they were known held the highest social status. Even the children of the pure bloods that were born in the new colonies rather than Spain were treated as inferior. They were known as Criollos. The local inhabitants known as Mestizos or Peons were treated worse than dogs, often ran down in the streets by the pure bloods on their horses simply for their amusement.
Still the Spanish influence did usher in much, the buildings, churches, forts, even the clothing and language brought about a profound change on the very landscape and culture of Mexico. Ornate churches built of brick covered with smooth stucco were painted white or subdued shades of tan were constructed. Adorned with stained glass windows with depictions of saints and finely carved statues of the Virgin Mary and Christ which stood on the grounds. Graceful spires and bell towers rose high from the rooftops and men removed their hats as they passed.
Still, in the midst of the civility that this enclave of Spanish religion, tradition and culture ushered in, there existed a corrupt system of greed and brutality. The finely dressed Gauchupines looked down on those who were born here and considered themselves the ruling class.
Men in Spain knew nothing of the corruption and saw the new colonies as a land of opportunity. News about the new colonies excited those seeking a new life and riches. Juan Carlos Montoya listened to his crew talk of this as he hauled in the heavy nets full of fish every day. The work was hard and the muscles of his arms strained and rippled as the sun burned his already golden tan skin. Still, he smiled as they all spoke of this new world.
Finally, his mind was made up so he sold his small fleet of fishing boats and booked passage to the new colonies. He loaded a wagon and proceeded to the docks where he booked passage on a frigate bound for this new world.
The men aboard the frigate stood at the rails and watched curiously as the passengers boarded. They noticed the tall man with broad shoulders as he easily lifted his wife off of the seat and placed her gently on the dock. She was pregnant but still looked to be a petite woman with delicate features. She looked up at the ship with large, doe-like eyes and they wondered how she would fare in the rugged new colonies. They had no way of knowing that her slight build and gentle manner belied a strength of character and the determination to help carve a life out of this new wilderness.
An older man stood up in the back of the carriage and stretched. At first glance he appeared unimpressive, shorter than average with a wiry build. When he easily vaulted over the side and to the ground, they began to watch him closely as he easily handled the heavy trunks, swinging them to the ground. He moved with the fluid grace and strength of a jungle cat.
One seaman nudged his shipmate and pointed at him. “Do you know who that is?”
“That older man?”
“That is Andreas Montoya, I served with him in the King’s Navy. He was an Admiral and the finest swordsman in the land.”
“He does not look like much now.” the man said unimpressed.
“I will just tell you this, do not cross swords with him my friend.”
The voyage took almost three months until they finally Landed in the settlement of Catocha on the rugged east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. They purchased a wagon and two horses then traveled south through the jungle along the coast and purchased land. Juan Carlos again slowly built up his fishing fleet into a profitable business and soon Marianna gave birth to a son they named Felipe.
Young Felipe accompanied his father on the fishing boats from the age of five. He grew to love the sea and the clear waters of the Caribbean. At the age of ten he could steer the ship as his father and crew worked the nets. By the time he was fifteen he was navigating by day with a compass and by night with a sextant. He too grew strong hauling in the nets and soon he also developed the broad shoulders and strong arms of his father. His black hair had grown long and curly like his father’s. He was a masculine looking young man with penetrating brown eyes and dark skin like his parents. This is his story.
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
Bullfrog said:
Writing, like any craft, improves with time and experience. Bear in mind, this book was created entirely online with JW and a few other good friends editing and looking for typos and errors.
Sigh... I have to say you do not give yourself enough credit. The above statement that I quoted felt like a warning that you didnt find your work of quality. Now I only read the prolouge, TWICE, but it certainly drew me in, and that is what any GOOD story does... I already have a bunch of questions, but will need to wait for more of the story to be posted...


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
I'm reading it along also again! This will be fun and do you mind if people comment or ask questions after you write each day or would you rather keep it just the story? So I understand that you have started the story in another thread as I was just there and read it and so you will just continue to post it there instead of here right?
Feb 6, 2010
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Yes, I mean't to start it in a new thread, so please go there. Also, bear in mind that this work is digital and print on demand. 10,000 people can order 10,000 different books in one day and the computer loads and prints each cover and content and just spits them all out. This is the wonder of digital printing these days, which also means I can go back and edit it as many times as needed.. So, I encourage everyone to make comments or suggest improvements, I encourage constructive criticism and can edit as we see fit. We will muddle through this as JW and I did, so long ago. After all, my name is Felipe Montoya and my story was written long ago, let God be my judge. the tale continues...


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
I bet the families are closer that way also as when some can't work due to age, or disabilities then the younger ones have to provide for them also. They have a hard life and we have it way to easy w/ all our giveaway plans.

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