I believe that all creatures have a place in the wild, but when they are hand reared and released with no fear of humans and look at humans as being a source of food for them (not in the way of eating the human!), then something needs to be done to protect peoples livelihoods. I know people personally who have lost successful businesses in fish farming due to the reintroduction of Otters as they have worked their way up the natural waterways and literally devastated the rearing ponds (which were fenced off but not Otter proof at time of installation due to there was no Otter's around when they were put in) of hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of fish (not Koi either!!). I am seeing new images daily on my Facebook feeds of people I know that have had fish from their ponds killed by Otters (and some of these houses are miles from the nearest waterway!), so the Otters are moving away from the already Cormorant devastated rivers and lakes in search of food. The RSPB are also concerned about the Otters killing rare birds that have been breeding on the Norfolk Broads and other wetlands such is the scarcity of the Otters preferred natural fool , the Eel, in them now. I also know people who have had their aviaries attacked by Otters (caught on camera) but luckily the Otter has not managed to get in to it.
A good friend of mine locally owns a pool of approximately an acre in size. He lost 4 large carp (30lb+ each) to Otters 18 months ago, and it has cost him over £10,000 to put an Otter proof perimeter fence in and another £3000 to replace the fish with smaller ones of the same genetic strain. His pool is an acre in size, imagine perimeter fencing a lake a lot bigger with the scale of the task as well as the cost of the materials!!
I don't want to put an unsightly fence around the pond to the height where an otter could not get over it, nor run an electric charge around it.
Van I agree with you on all points and we need to learn to work with them not hunt or trap them , it was man who poisoned their water ways hunted them to near extinction in the first place

It was man who farmed mink and allowed escapee's who predate on fish just as otters do and do more damage to nesting birds than them
It was a group of idiots from the ALF who let loose hundereds of them in the East of the country where your birds are:MAD: mink love birds and eggs Otters prefare fish but will take the odd egg .
It was again the idiots from the ALF who released farmed wild boar into the wild here in Devon and also in the East of the country , we dont have preditors that will take them down in this country anymore now they are churning up valuable farm land and even parts of Dartmoor (this is what I mean by idiots they dont see the damage that can be done they just see cute furry creatures)

Now with the wild boar they have to be shot on sight way to go ALF

I'm in no way saying that otters dont predate koi or farmed fish but we need them in this country to keep down those forgein invaders we were talking about in another thread

, they also help to keep mink keep mink numbers down and as a marker for good river conditions

Here in the South West and also in Wales there have been releases of beaver into the wild both managed and accidental and it is only now we are starting to realise their worth to waterways trees etc

We had a trout farmer who was a member of our koi club so I know what those lakes are like they are un-naturally heaving with fish "heaven to the the Otter and very Man Made".
In the olden days man worked with nature not excluded it Otters included , they manage it in the US so why not here ?
Those farms and ponds can be protected against otter predation as can our own ponds we have to protect otters against us Man

We have a waterway not far from us with otters in weve seen no sign of them , we do however see Egrettes and herons so what do I do shoot them for flying over our pond , they have yet to come back.
We have a nest of rare Perigrine Falcons near Plymouth that has to be protected not for egg thieves but pigeon fanciers who have managed to poison them on one occaision hense the protection who gives them the right to do that not the law of the land thats for sure because what they did was illegal

It is man who is changing the wild and when the wild encroaches we wonder why ?
I know you like your fishing as well as your fish keeping so next time your out there with your rod and line think the Otter likes fishing too and he was there first

For Our members in the US/Canada etc ALF stands fo the Animal Liberation front a bunch of nut cases that have even been involved in arson a possible murder and the stealing of a dead body from a church graveyard to further their aims In 1989 they attacked The Debenhams clothing Store here in Plymouth it was a massive fire that took out the entire store and risked the lives of dozen's firemen tasked to put the fire out (sad sad people)