Yeah, leaves and other such debris are bad for your water quality as they break down.
Check out this thread for ideas on leaf protection for the Fall season. There are some pictures on page two.
Got a small to medium sized lined pond and the previous owner of my house planted a lilac tree behind the pond which overhangs it. It looks lovely and we don’t want to take it out but obviously the leaves drop straight into the pond at this time of year. Should we fashion some sort of raised...
I use reflective fiberglass driveway sticks that I got from Lowe's home center. Home depot must have them too. I hammer them into the ground on an angle and force the PVC pipe over them creating a bow shape. I have three bows for the width of the pond and one long one for the length. I use three PVC 4 way cross fittings to connect each of them together on top where they cross. I use self tapping zippie screws at each joint so it doesn't come apart. I number each connection so that when I dismantle it, I know which piece goes where. I use ty-wraps (zip ties) to attach nylon pond netting to the pvc. Previously I used 1/2" pvc, but that was too flexible and snow would collapse it. Funny thing is that when the snow melted, it would always bounce back up! This year I'm going to up it to 3/4" or maybe 1".