Addy, thanks for the offer of the bog plants. I will let you know when I'm ready for plants, and you can tell me how much postage money to send you! Awful nice of you to help me out, I really appreciate it!!!
I was trying to arrange the landscape stones around my "pond hole" this evening, as I got carpet pieces to line pond with, and having problems trying to figure out my bog. LOL I can't figure out how to have the water go over the edge like a waterfall of sorts, like I had in my head, so I guess I will just have the pond edge lower, but will that be a problem if the fish can swim into that area? Will the koi pick at the roots of the bog plants? That could be easily fixed by putting up some type of netting to keep them out. I still want to have the extra filtration in that area. So, can I leave a ledge on the pond side lower, just put 1 stone height (instead of 2) on pond side, dig down maybe 6" in the bog area and fill with pea gravel, then have the outside edge with 2 stones height. Liner will go over the edge, down under the pea gravel, then back up and over the 2 landscape stone outside edge (which is the outside height all the way around). Will that work, or should I make it same height inside and outside wall (around the bog I'm talking about), and make some type of opening for the water to drain back into the pond? I need to get this figured out before tomorrow evening, because I need to get the carpet laid on the inside, the underlayment is due to arrive on Fri., along with the liner, and boyfriend is coming on Sat. to help with the liner! I'm HOPING to have the edge leveled (UGH, I need a laser level, but I have another way figured out), and carpet and underlayment laid out and tacked to the sidewalls, so the liner will be out only obstacle on Sat. .... wish me luck. LOL