Hmm... I think the rain might have brought along with it some wind and some other debris may likely deposited in the pond. I am curious exactly how much rain you think the pond might have received. Sounds like this is related to changing water temperatures or the winds accompanying the rain has introduced something. What is for sure... something has changed the water chemistry and, with this only happening upon the changing of the seasons, then this should be indicative of something. That'd be the best I can do.
I think there is so much in the way of pollution in the world Charles that we dont know exactly what is dropping in our ponds nowadays , we live near a busy dual carriage way and the deposts that get blown about that stain our net curtains so it stands to reason it has also to be polutting our ponds, we are doing damage we cannot rectify bees are dying around the world sealife taking in chemicals .
I read a magazine that ran a story about certian whales that are part of the innuit diet being found to taste foul
The innuit have permits to hunt a few whales its their right yet they find that some are now inedible because the meat smells wrong and doesnt taste righ having a foul taste, which to me is proof something is disaterously wrong with our planet .
We are fast reaching a tipping point because of our lifestyle choices the ice is melting through green house gasses and for what , so that the few can have great wealth and power at our expense and that of the planet , in reality we dont know what is getting into our waters and that that falls from the skies or comes from the ground yet the US is fracking as is the UK , how do we know what it will do to our water supplies in the future.
How many times have our scientists invented something that we are told is safe yet 30 years later we find it killing turtles and other marine creature like with plastics .
I once had to retreive our cat killed on the expressway we went down late at night after rain and when we got back home with the poor cat the bottoms of our jeans where black with an oily substance .
Its all so sad because we are leaving a planet to our children and their children damaged by our own folly
DDT was supposed to be safe, the pestisides you as a farmer put on your land are killing the river deltas and creating dead areas in the sea its not your fault its the fault of the scientists and companies that supply it , they estimate if you stopped using it now it would take over 100 years to disapate .
Oil is killing sealife take the gulf of Mexico once pristine now due to man a mess did they do a good job cleaning up no there is still oil washing up , fish and shelfish deformed turtles dying dolphins too
The point is we are fast running out of options yet still we drive cars with petrol and diesil .
As the permafrost melts massive amounts of methane are leaching into the atmosphere , we owe it to our offspring to get our political acts together and start reforming the way we live what we drive etc, yet our Governments still cowtow to big business its all so very sad.