I have watched since day one, since then it's been my favorite show. I didn't even plan on watching the night it premiered I just happened to be watching The Amityville Horror remake and it was on right after. I was hooked from the first episode!
I thought the first season was one of the smartest shows on tv at the time but as early as Season 2 I realized that Dexter was going to be hit and miss for me. I enjoyed every season but Season 1 (Ice truck), Season 3 (tree truck/Miguel Prada, and Season 4 (Trinity) were real standouts.
I was disappointed not only with the final episode but the eighth season as a whole just felt rushed and wrong. Maybe airing in the Summer was some of it but it just seamed like they made some odd decisions like adding so many new characters (Masuka's Daughter was a good example of a new character storyline that went nowhere) instead of giving more screen time to the veterans and tying up story lines.
The final episode was just about as disappointing as the season. I knew it couldn't end happily ever after but I just felt like it was a cop out. I figured Deb would get killed off and Dexter and Hannah would not run away together but some of the decisions just seemed odd and out of character. Like Dexter trusting Vogel and Zach so early on, or him thinking he was too much trouble for a family and Harrison yet he leaves the kid with another serial killer, and Hannah not killing Elway on the bus but instead sedating him and leaving him to tell all that he witnessed her with Dexter's Son. I thought had she killed Elway it would have looked a lot more protective of Harrison mama grizzly style.
I would have at least liked it to end with him driving the boat into the storm with Deb still on board and not dumping her in the ocean even though I got the symbolism, final kill and all. It definitely left a lot to think about but I think the look in Dexter's eyes on the final scene told me he had not silenced his Dark Passenger yet and there my be more Dexter in some form in the future.
I think I read somewhere that the writers wanted the show to end last season and to me that would have made more sense coming full circle, Laguerta shoots Dexter and Deb shoots Laguerta and lives with the aftermath raising Harrison. The Dark Passenger would have been born in a storage container and died in one.
With all that said there was not a single episode that didn't keep me on the edge of my seat and it still remained my favorite show throughout it's entire run.
I even named my cat Dexter Morgan and while he doesn't quite live up to his serial killer namesake but he's still trouble from time to time.