Whatis the size of the pond and how big are the fish?
This is
the most vital information needed at this point. You do not need to be confused with the optional and myriad possibilities for water quality control. That can come as you learn the basics.
The recommended pH range advocated by nearly everyone who is anyone is 6.5 - 8.5, so your pH is OK. You can shelve that subject and look at it more closely at a future date.
Quit wasting your money on 'beneficial bacteria'. What you are using is not going to provide any help in establishing a new pond. Its the wrong bacteria for this.
Edit; You posted the needed information as I was typing this post.
Since this is a new filter in a new pond, a Nitrogen cycle needs to be established. there are a couple of ways that this can be done, with fish or without fish. In your case the standard method using the fish would be recommended. For this cycle to establish, Ammonia must be present in the water column. Fish excrete Ammonia through respiration, but, here is the Catch-22, Ammonia at relatively low levels is toxic to fish if exposed long enough. To work around this fish should be slowly added to the pond. Since these are large Koi, I would recommend adding no more than one of these fish per week. This allows the bacteria that converts this Ammonia time to colonize in sufficient numbers/
This is where testing the water plays a part. Typically it will take 4 - 6 weeks for a pond to develop a fully functional Nitrogen cycle. Only through water testing can it be determined when this cycle is complete and also how it is progressing. Ammonia (toxic at a certain level) is converted to Nitrite (also toxic at a certain level) which is then converted to Nitrate which is not toxic at levels normally encountered.
Koi can tolerate Ammonia and Nitrite levels of 1.0 mg/L without any lasting ill effects. The levels in your pond should not exceed this 1.0 mg/L if only one fish is added per week.
Given the size of your pond, other parameters like GH, KH, Dissolved Oxygen can be addressed at a later date.
The only other admonition is to try to match the temperatures of the Two (2) ponds as best you can. A variance of 5 degrees Fahrenheit is acceptable.
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