shanezam203 said:
I was surprised I could keep the firewood at that price. usually they split it and resell it.
It was a great price, but this time of year, they probably have wood up to their xxxx's .... We've probably have 20-30 cords sitting here in 14' lengths, not bringing anything more home... if a client says they want the wood, it is cheaper and easier for us to go ahead and dice it for them, so not to have to haul it away. I would say all of our wood burning friends are really loving us right now. Whoever is closest to a jobsite and can handle 14' lengths has PLENTY of wood for their stoves already. Time to start running ads on Craigslist again. Once summer hits, all our friends are set, and get $400 per truck load (again, at 14' lengths), which is a really good deal (only prime wood, not crap)... One truck load works out to be about 5 cords ... Unseasoned wood runs $300-350 per cord,