Ih great and sounds like she is really heeding the doctors advice and she will be on track fast .sorry to hear about the taxi service and hope they do good by you .Here for disabled and seniors they have a bus service that has all the handicap stuff to help you get where you are going .They take you to doctors and shopping and you can pay 1 time use of 50 cents or by the month 5 dollars for as many times as you need it .You just call and they stop and pick you up and take you where ever you need .There are other passengers so gives people a chance to socialize also .I like that they provide well for seniors and handicapped here and don't mind the tiny bit extra added to my taxes as 1 day maybe I will need it and hope it is still in place then .
Sissy thats a damn good idea , the disabled b they have an invisable disability or a visible one tend to get marginalized here in the UK and boy doesnt our present govrnment know it, there has been hell to pay or being disabled of late , they have fostered the idea that we are all benifits cheats leading to some disabled being spat upon even attacked in the street , in reality there are just 1% of cheats out there out of 6 million disabled benefit claiments , hell no-one wants to be disabled both Val and I had good jobs at one time , yet they still dont get it the genuine year on year getprogressivly worse we have reams of medical reports , rather than stress folk out

sending them to medicals that are highly suspect run by a private company called ATOS (I believe they may have been kicked out of the US), that give results where disabled people have been passed as fit (who died two weeks later plus many other wrong calls were 40% of those who went to tribunal won back their disabled benifits "why not smply check their hospital records" at much less cost and grief to the disabled person.
I sent my yearly ATOS mdical questioner back for them to assess three months ago now and still nothing .

However I digress we are taking this first two weeks slowly Val starts Physio in March so only then will things get back to normality but weight wise you can see it taking effect already around my waist not Vals

that will come later for Val but the weight oss they estimate will be 70% over 6 months for Val

he, he,he...

I've just found out its pancake tuesday on my Birthday this year and Val just happens to make the second best panackes next to my dear Mum , she has also bought me the Doctor Johnson koi Health and Disease "beginer to Advanced life saving Technology " book Cool
