This might be a real duh question, but how do you keep your plants at the right height/depth? I have some rushes tucked into the holes of an upsidedown milk crate, and that seems to keep them floating pretty well so far. It's still too early to see any growth so I don't know how that will work longer term. Just got some elephant ear and calla lily bulbs, and they want to be submerged except for the crown. So I'm in the process of sewing little "pockets" for them out of the black landscaping fabric stuff; I tuck each bulb into the pocket and leave a long tail that's secured under a rock outside the bog. I think this invention is either pure genius or pure idiocy.
I'm an experienced dirt gardener with lots of plants to experiment with, but I don't really understand what goes on inside a densely growing bog. If you're planting hosta or iris, for example, do you put them in pots filled with dirt or gravel? How do you keep your plants from sinking or floating or turning onto their sides? Obviously I'm new to water gardening thanks
I'm an experienced dirt gardener with lots of plants to experiment with, but I don't really understand what goes on inside a densely growing bog. If you're planting hosta or iris, for example, do you put them in pots filled with dirt or gravel? How do you keep your plants from sinking or floating or turning onto their sides? Obviously I'm new to water gardening thanks