Agreed. Ammonia nitrate and pH are the everyone tests for. And that's only because they are the first signs of trouble. So kinder garden through 5th grade.If you are fortunate enough to have tap water that has good parameters, then water changes can help somewhat. That is not the case with the OP.
Please realize that even with water that has a higher pH, doing a 20% water change will change those parameters by only that same 20%. That may not be enough to increase the pH to a safe level.
Now comes putting all the basics you have learned into creating a viable habitat for your pets. 6th grade through high school.
Say you added 50 pounds of baking soda to a 1500 gallon pond. " do not do this you will kill everything" if done all at once.
Your pH will rise to 8.3 and that's as high as it will go add 200 pounds and 8.3 is as high as your pH will go.
But what will continue to increase in your Carbonate hardness. "Kh" with low kh your bacteria can not thrive if your bacteria can not thrive your fish and environment will not be healthy.
As mentioned kh also will buffer acid rain. It more than just dilutes the acidity it gives you that buffer where you will stay pH above 8.3 so if you bring your kh up to 200 or more your bacteria is thriving .
So some major thunderstorms can dump on you and your pH will stay above 8.3 now you have a masters degree in your pond.