coyotes call me Charles
There are other varients on the TT one that I quite like the look of is the bio tower looking somewhat like a Christmas tree and looks to be made from Japmatting , it is made by design to increase he amount of oxygen this increase encourages the good bacteria , it is also designed to gas off pockets of carbon dioxide present in pond water
It is also designed to remove disolved organic Carbon in doing so ceate a much more enviromentally stress free zone which in the long trm helps us create better health
It is produced in the UK in the Isle of Whight
Though for the moment the name slips my mind there is also a trickle drum which has been around for the last few years .
One thing though with all the trickle systems be they manufactured or DIY just how much evapouration do people experiance at the height of summer, I mean we already loose quite a bit off the surface of the pond in summer so what is the total amount between the two ?
Speaking of DIY trickle towers my good friend Max made a very good one from the Bread bins that the baker delivers his loafs on in the morning
Yep, depending on the environment around the TT, evaporation rate would definitely be increased. However, humidity and air temperature are two of the main variables that impact the evaporation rate.
My area has terribly low relative humidity, although nothing like Arizona, and Summer air temperatures common hit the high 90*F and triple digits. So, due to the environmental variables, from simply adding another fountain and operating my stream, I have noticed a significant increase in evaporation.
I suppose a fix for this, that is if already using a filter closet or filter pit, would be to store the TT in a shed or an enclosure where the humidity is allowed to increase and lower air temperatures and thus lower the evaporation rate.