Tranquility Base to Houston, the Eagle has landed.

Feb 6, 2010
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Well I have had no internet since my arrival. But I have been so busy it really doesn't matter. We told Ulysis our contractor exactly what we needed. I sent an email with an attachment showing a drawing of where we needed the tie ins for the utilities for the trailer so we could be here while the house was being built. We gave him enough money to do this in advance, but at the advice of a friend, made partial payments so we could observe the work flow. This also assured quick work as if he had the entire amount requires for the house, he could just take his time. Thank God for that friend.

I was comfortable in Playa Del Carmen, living in a nice condo waiting. Gloria called Ulysis and asked if everything was ready for my arrival and he said yes that it was. Upon my arrival, there was nothing ready. No water, sewer or electricity. I'm a pretty spartan guy. I've camped out a lot so roughing it with no bathroom or electricity is not new to me. He had not even started on the well which was paid for in advance. The first day and a half, I had to use the bathroom in the field. I finally got a bottle of water but the trailer was crammed full so it was outside. This meant that if I had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, I had to go outside and get a glass of water to flush the toilet.

Also, there was no shower. I cleaned with a cloth as well as I could. I'm not saying I stunk or anything, but on day five I walked around the back of the trailer. I heard a noise and turned to see a buzzard perched on my open septic tank. He looked at me, sniffed then puked. I took a step toward him and again he sniffed at me, puked, then passed out. On day six I rented a room just to shower. Our closest neighbor Joaquin and his sons Pedro and Enrique were a huge help to me working on the porch and bathroom. Pedro and one other man dug the well. They worked harder than any of the other workers and Pedro was sick.

When Gloria arrived, Joaquin, his wife Edith and their sons came by that evening after the workers left. A very animated conversation took place and tempers escalated. It had been days and Pedro still had not been paid by Ulysis for digging the well, money we had already paid him. His reason was he said he had to pay for Gloria's airline ticket which was a total crock of shit. As you have seen, Gloria is a very nice lady until you piss her off, she then makes Hitler, Vlad the Impaler and Attila the Hun look like schoolboys. She called Ulysis and told him to bring his receipts so we could make an accounting and see where we were.

Knowing her temper, I told her to interpret exactly what I said, in the same tone of voice... right. I started in on the no water and no shower for eight days. I was firm and obviously angry, but contained. I then told him he lied about everything being ready and he lied about paying for her airplane ticket. He denied it, saying Pedro “misinterpreted” what he said. I'm the one who doesn't speak good Spanish, Pedro was raised here. Obvious that he was lying, Gloria set in on him. She began screaming at him and calling him a liar and a thief in front of his workers. She promptly fired his ass and demanded the rest of our money. He left quickly but the next day sent his plumber with a very sad face telling us that he, not Ulysis was the one having to pay rent on the cement mixer and it was very expensive daily, he needed it back.. I told him that Ulysis was a f*cking liar and what kind of fools did he think we were to believe that BS? That the mixer would stay here until we received our money which he has obviously spent. I told him that if we did not get our money by 3:00 that we would file charges and win. I have the email of the utilities we needed that he lied about, Pedro would testify that he was not paid and the lie Ulysis told him and this new lie about who was paying for the cement mixer. That he would pay court costs, his lawyer, my lawyer, my money plus interest, the room I rented for a shower and the emotional pain and suffering that I went through living like an animal for eight days.

Mexico is not like America. There, if you are found guilty the judge levies a judgment against you but you cannot collect. You cannot make them pay, you can place a lien against their property and just wait forever for them to sell, if they ever do. Here, you will be taken into custody immediately and stay in jail until your family pays the debt. Yesterday was day four of rent on the mixer, we will see.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Yikes Bullfrog and I hope you will get that guy to pay you back or his butt will be in the fire of that dragon. By the way I loved that story!
Feb 6, 2010
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Still trying to get internet hooked up, they are supposed to be there today. I have 12 men working on the house and wall. The well needs to be another meter deep, poor Pedro will be down there today.

It´s so nice to have a shower. I bought a new four wheeler to save gas, they are street legal here if a little squirrely at speed. I showered and went into Amatlan. The knobby tires were throwing fresh ox, burro and horse shit in every direction. Then I hit the dirt roads and the dust liberally coated me, sticking to my coat of manure. By the time I got to Amatlan, I was dirtier than I was when I left. I looked like that dude on the Geico commercials covered with money, but I was covered with... oh well.

I will finish the chicken coop today. Walls topped with concertina wire are common here as you are surrounded by poverty. Mine will be 8 feet tall and is going up well. Hopefully I´ll have internet access today, if not, it´s Dish network.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Sounds like you are really making progress. Wish we could see pix but not till you get that darn Internet fixed. Now how can you fix that 4 wheeler to ward off the dirt? Some kind of shield in front might help. You'll think of something or just go to town dirty and then come home and shower.
Feb 6, 2010
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After all of this time Foxfi was the answer. Foxfi turns your cell phone into a portable hotspot for your laptop or desktop pc. Now we have internet so here was the well, day three...


Hauled up one bucket at a time..


The porch going in...


A badly needed break...


The wall being dug..


These rocks are cemented in for the base, mucho strong...



I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Amazing how things are done there. So different from here. Is that the wall for your house or a fence? That white rock looks like big chunks of salt. Will be cool watching this all come together. All of this will be done by hand? No earth moving machines? Very hard workers!
Feb 6, 2010
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Done by hand indeed, all of it, no equipment.

We did rent a backhoe to speed up the digging. That was the wall around our property. The front and most of one side are complete. If we get a break from the rain, the backhoe will be back again today because there are trees along one side, the rootballs will need to go.

Nothing is mass produced, each domed window is carefully laid out, the formed by hand..


Thin 1/4 inch plywood is soaked to make it more flexible....


Then bent around a drum to give it a radius...

Feb 6, 2010
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He built a frame and tied strings to keep the fireplace bricks all tapering square, this necks a 30 inch firebox into a 9 inch chimney forcing the heat out instead of flying up the chimney...


This is the back door and window looking out at Mount Orizaba and where the pond will be...


We have a nice view in the morning. They found mummified bodies up there this week. Climbers from 1959. Two were hugging each other for warmth, on actually died propped up on one elbow.


This is where the pond will be.


I tend to let them just do it their way and not interfere. But, it does have it's drawbacks. We had water pooling in the bathroom in one corner and slowly lost water, first the hot in the shower, then the hot in the sink, then the washer, then the cold to the toilet. I laid awake at night dreading the job, they didn't put a filter on the tinaco, the elevated water tower and I was sure the pipes were clogged with mud from the newly dug well. The plumbing was all under the floor so I headed to Home Depot and sure enough, they don't have a snake here.

I bought a filter and new cartridges figuring I could snake the lines with electrical wire. I cut off the water and installed the filter. I then cut and blew backwards through the small water heater, no mud. So, I started on the toilet cold water supply and there was our leak. They hadn't used Teflon tape and that was a quick fix, also the line was crimped so I straightened it out and we had water there.

Moving to the washer, if you remove the hoses there are two small screen filters inside that can be removed and sure enough, there was mud. I flushed the lines, cleaned the filter and we had a washer.

The shower head has a lot of small holes that were plugged with dirt and wood bits from the floor as they didn't plug them while working, fixed that. The sink was the same, plugged diffuser in the nozzle. Now that we have a filter we shouldn't have any problems.

This is the base for the tinaco, the water tower. They are common on roofs everywhere here as water pressure is non existent.


So this ugly thing now has an even uglier water tank on top of it. But a guy at Home Depot who speaks English has a lot of really big, tall bamboo. I will have the men make a ring of rebar at the top and bottom and close it all in making it not such an eyesore.

Feb 6, 2010
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Joaquin using the oxen to dig the trench for the wall before the backhoe arrived. Look at how big these beasts are. He uses voice commands and a stick when they hit a root.



I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
This is something else to actually see and glad you knew how to fix all those problems that came up w/ all your water. That is one big ox! Wish I was there to see all this first hand but your pix show a lot. Going to be a nice place for you two when all done. And what a gorgeous view of the mountain!
Feb 6, 2010
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Mount Orizaba is the tallest in Mexico and the third tallest in the Americas. It was an active volcano but has been dormant for 200 years. Gold is common in the rivers but these people lack the technology and money to find it. If the work is ever caught up around here, we will go to the rivers with our metal detectors and look for nuggets.

The chimney is now as tall as the walls. The last arc was poured on the front porch and two spent all day tying rebar and wire to make that wall stronger as it is thin above the arcs and has to support the roof, tiles and all. The headers other than this one are all poured, so the roof will begin next week. Gloria decided she wants a bigger bedroom so we are having a wall taken out between two of them to combine them into one, big bedroom.

If things go as I hope, work will begin on the guest house sometime in the late summer. It's going to take money to work this farm and feed this community, so I'm working on acquiring some church sponsors. They could then send the youth groups down to help harvest and distribute the food.

Today is payday for the men. Gloria and I will be getting on a plane for Mexico City tonight for her grand daughter's birthday.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
All of your dreams are really coming together. Sounds like your home will be just the way you want it and so happy for you two. Gold up in them thar hills eh? I know you will have fun w/that! Adventure is your middle name. Enjoy your trip to Mexico City and to Gloria's grand-daughter

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