Another Friday, and Big Bird must have decided he wanted to stop by the sushi bar. I opened the front door heading off on a mission for a good ripe tomato, and bam! Big Bird is sitting there pulling his beak up out of the netting over the pond. I came back in the house for hubby and the camera, came back out and he took off for the neighbors roof. I proceeded to sit in my deck chair on the front porch and wait him out.
After a bit, he flies in and lands in an open spot in the lawn. Walks up to the sidewalk to the pond, carefully stepping through and over some pineapple plants. Purposefully heads for his favorite spot at the bar.
Carefully climbs up and steps over the stone edging and 18" metal garden edging, then tries to walk out on the netting which is stretched taunt between bamboo poles.
He didn't care at all for that wiggliness and bounce house effect.
A really good photo tells a story. This photo has a bunch of unseen pieces. Such as the bird is staring at our glass front door. Immediately to the other side of the door is a large 75lb male Belgian Shepherd utilizing his commanding ferocious 'you do not belong here' bark.
Big Bird decides he is safe from the barking dog and saunters on over to the other side of the pond. Finds a conveniently placed bridge over the water and methodically climbs over some rocks and orchid pots and up on the driftwood.
Fish! I see Fish!
Our two remaining adult goldfish are starting to hang out in the sun a bit more. Silly fish, don't they realize there is a Big Bad Bird right over their shoulders!!!!
Fortunately, Big Bird finally huffed off in frustration. Hopefully to find a more natural sushi bar stool.
I yoinked hubby dearest after big bird left and did a slight remodel on the driftwood. There is now airspace between the netting and the driftwood. The netting is too flimsy to give the bird a good perch, yet the bird did not get tangled up in the netting, nor get his beak caught up in it. More good. The 18" fencing though, by itself would not be sufficient to keep a big bird out, as he simply climbed it. Walked right up, stuck a claw up on the top rung and climbed right on up. If the netting had not been in the way, I'm quite sure he would have tried to step down on the pond side of the fencing.
The fencing though is serving a purpose with the visiting mammals. What is with the Friday drop in visitors???? I walked out Saturday morning to find the stones from the one small section of the pond without the fencing tumbled into the water. Something had to have tried stepping on them and sending them over the edge. So, the fencing will stay. I do think I will eventually replace parts with a taller fence, as I get finished putzing with the edges and getting some plants in place. Oh, and my pineapple barrier obviously needs to be more dense.