I have started the edging now. I had to buld up the right side and wasn't sure how it would look. Looks good and should be just fine for protection from run off. Thank you for the comments on the deck! It finally looks like it belongs. As the digging began, the original size was to be 11' x 28' by 3.5' deep. Then as we progressed and I started measuring, I realized I could go wider and deeper. Now, the pond is 12' x 28' x 3.7' (shallow end) and 4.3' (deep end). I had calculated 8085 gallons with the original size. Now, I haven't any idea how to calculate. Anyone care to venture a guess? I am having difficulty with the calcualations because of the sloped sides. The bottom is between 10' and 11' wide. Oh, and if anyone is interested, I have a lot of free dirt! Anyone needing to fill in a hole?? Oops, wrong site for that, sorry! LOL