Jesus just got the water bill through for this year what a rip off over £700 UK the highest bills in the UK some inlarger houses have to pay upwrds of £1,000 yet the lowest bills in the Country Westminister now isnt that sort of strange eh it just happens to be where our MP's hang out plus some of the richest people in the UK
It really annoyes me we are just cash cows to a privatization that wasn;t thought out and rushed through Parliament wayback in the 1990's
Our average bills in those by-gone days the same as it costs for water in westminster around £260 or so.
We would ike to see a system like with electric and gas were you can shop around which is how it should have been set up
I can see this lot if this ever happens going bankrupt rather fast Oh please oh please ( oh dear a pipe dream) the reason for the hike to such a high amount to clean up our beaches strange how surfers against sewage still complain of sickness and ear infections
They claim not our fault its all the bad weather and huge amonts of rainfall that flushes sewerage into the sea, or sorry a pumping station failed or a pipe split(three times)in the same place nr Dawlish where the railway lines were washed away it make one so very very angry
It really annoyes me we are just cash cows to a privatization that wasn;t thought out and rushed through Parliament wayback in the 1990's
Our average bills in those by-gone days the same as it costs for water in westminster around £260 or so.
We would ike to see a system like with electric and gas were you can shop around which is how it should have been set up
I can see this lot if this ever happens going bankrupt rather fast Oh please oh please ( oh dear a pipe dream) the reason for the hike to such a high amount to clean up our beaches strange how surfers against sewage still complain of sickness and ear infections
They claim not our fault its all the bad weather and huge amonts of rainfall that flushes sewerage into the sea, or sorry a pumping station failed or a pipe split(three times)in the same place nr Dawlish where the railway lines were washed away it make one so very very angry
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