You're way ahead of me, Addy! The hyacinths have actually been up since December, and I noticed a few of them had the flower head up pretty high, and it looks dark, like it got frost bit/frozen. Most of them "know" when the good time is to come up. I don't have any crocus, but I think they are usually the first ones to come up and bloom. I never had any luck with them. I also have wood hyacinths up really well. And, I was very pleased to see that the "woodland flower" that I "stole" from UT (I know, shame on me!!!) 2 years ago, has really multiplied and what came as one sprig of a plant, no flower, I just thought it looked pretty in the woods, is not about 20 sprigs coming up. I think last year it did have a pretty white flower. So far it is staying put, just spreading from the source, so that's fine with me. I have no woods, but planted it on the north end of the deck, under the Japanese Maple.
This time of year it's so much fun to watch things pop up out of the ground, and start to turn green. The water clover is black laying on the top of the bog, but will have to wait and see if any of it comes back from the roots. I think I saw some of that Azolla greening up, too, but just wasn't sure what the pic actually was. I looked at the pic again, and have attached it. The tiny green leaves you see are about 1/4" long at most. I do see a root coming off of a couple of them, so maybe that IS what it is!

I also have a "test" bucket of them in the garage under a light all winter. They are green/red and have not changed at all. Also have water hyacinths, which have turned totally brown now, but since there is kitty litter in that water pot, I'm going to wait them out, see if they come back possibly when the weather gets warmer. If not, then I will know for sure they cannot survive down as cold as my garage gets, which is never below freezing. Learning as I go ....