Woohoo, the heater helped melt the entire koi pond, so it's getting unplugged. Temps went up all night, almost 50 right now, heading up to 60 today and close to that tomorrow!!! Wish it was a weekend day, I could pull the pumps and clean them out. Will definitely do that tonight or tomorrow evening. Taking my Boston to the breeder tonight after work, so will likely be ready to just sit down by the time I get home.
You can see the heater on the far edge, where it moved as the ice thawed out. I thought the whole pond was thawed out (when it was a little darker) but see that the water is on top of the ice over about 2/3 of the pond. That should thaw the rest of the way today with 60's for air temps. Cleared all the way back to the skimmer, so that will get turned back on this evening, too.

Waterfall is completely thawed out, wondering if the water in the Skippy is total ice yet, though, with the insulation board around it. Should remove the top pieces, but they fit really tight, worried I would break them. So, going to leave them until this evening, turn on the pump (once I pull it and check it for blockages) and see what happens.

Stream ice still remains, as it's somewhat suspended above the stream bed. That will probably be gone by this evening, too. Bog in the goldfish pond has remained running all this time, even with ice on top of it, it still was pushing water through to the goldfish pond, so that pond has had continual filtration.

I know it will all freeze up again by the end of this week, but looks like I'm finally learning Colleen's system with the heater! This is a brand new heater, and although at first it seemed to not do much, I just didn't wait long enough. It seems to take about 24 hours to show a difference in heating the water. Thanks Colleen for staying with me, keep prodding me on. I'm finally "getting it".