I chopped up some more of the tree/shrub fertilizer stakes tonight, pushed smaller chunks in all the lily pots (that I could reach, there is one I cannot reach without getting into the goldfish pond) in the goldfish pond, and put 4 chunks about the size of a quarter around in the lotus tub, pushed them into the kitty litter. The flowers have been nothing to take a picture of at all. They look very weak and fragile, not vibrant like yours, Addy, so hopefully the fertilizer will help. Lots of leaves, though, so that part is good.
I think I finally figured out where the baby bullfrogs are emerging from, maybe! I can't see to the bottom of the small pond at the bottom of the waterfall, before it flows into the pond. I wonder if there were tadpoles in there? There are plants and parrots feather in there, so the surface is pretty much covered, plus some algae. I thought tadpoles like still water, so I never thought to check in there. Also, I know there were tadpoles (big ones) in my plant bog of the koi pond last year when I reworked it and expanded it, so they were likely in there as well. Anyhow, there are a BUNCH of babies out there. All have all 4 legs, none look remotely like tadpoles, so I totally missed that part of their lives.
Tonight, I caught one of those ugly gigantic mosquito looking things. They are not mosquito hawks, I like them, these are heavier built, and different. Anyhow, there are a bunch of them, and I got one and tossed it to one of the baby bullfrogs. It spotted it and grabbed it, then sat up really high (probably to get it go down it's throat LOL) and faced me. I wondered if he/she was looking for some more free food! I noticed a lot of the medium sized frogs are really thin. I see very few bugs anywhere, grasshoppers are teeny tiny, not worth trying to catch at all. Drought has shut down all living things, it seems.