I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! My daughter and SIL were here from UT from last week Wed until yesterday. WONDERFUL time was had by all! My son and his GF were here from Indiana the same time period,. so the kids all had a great time together, and they shared time with their dad and me and their grandparents in the area, too. I had a house full with Joe and his 3 girls and their families here for Christmas Eve. What fun!
Back to work yesterday, and only get off on Jan. 1, but that's ok. Boss has been off since last Tues., (I was also off last week Wed-Fri for Christmas), and she won't be back until Monday, so I'm playing catch up and doing a great job of it!!!
Oh, not sure I announced this or not, but my daughter is pregnant, and due in May! She announced this past weekend that the sonogram they had last week says it's 95% sure it's a girl, too! She was certain it was a boy, so that took a few days to get used to, but now she is super excited about a girl, and her husband is ecstatic! She has the name picked out and everything, but has not told anyone, not even her husband! LOL He says he won't sign the birth certificate if he doesn't like it, but she tells him she is positive he will love it.

It's funny how they worry about someone else that is also pregnant same time frame "stealing" the name. I never thought about that at all! Kids these days worry about that. Anyhow, I have a new SIL as of July, and now going to have my first grandchild in May, 2015! My son has been dating since beginning of this year, and I really expect him to get engaged soon, too. He's not the type to do that for Christmas, so that didn't surprise me at all. He will pick a special time and place to propose. I love her to death, and am soooo lucky to love my kids' spouse/GF. It's like they were hand picked, someone I definitely would have picked for each of them. How great is that?!