So update to my new pump.
And as per usual it's story time...
The day was cloudy and held the promise of rain but I had visions of sheets of water cascading down my waterfall. It was cold but I pulled on my big girl panties and clambered in the pond. I had the sweet set up. I was going from a 700 gph to a 2400 gph with a Y connector so I could circulate the water off one Y, and increase the water coming off my waterfall. Got the pump set up and by now it has started to rain but does that dampen my enthusiasm... Not one bit! I hop out of the pond, plug it in and wait for the magical sound of water from my waterfall......
....... I can see the water circulating but nothing, not even a dripping from my waterfall.
There may have been tears but it was raining and frankly, there's no crying when you're wearing your big girl panties.
I am pretty sure it is due to the small diameter of the hose and the PVC that I used that provided too much restriction to overcome. I now have the pump strictly hooked up to the bog, there is a slight increase in water flow but nothing to brag about. I actually added a water hose to the bog and to at least get a visual of additional flow over the waterfall and frankly it was a little louder than I liked. Sooo I now have a larger pump that does the same thing my smaller pump did BUT it will handle solids and I won't have to clean it out as often.
For those of you that may be Monty Python fans, this was the when I started singing "Always look on the bright side of life".
Yep, me in my underwear standing in the rain singing. I'm thinking it was stellar day.
Happy Ponding all.