Everything's good now that he's home, went this afternoon to have his blood pressure checked again, and it's down quite a bit but still slightly high, so he's got some blood pressure meds now. He needs to quit the smoking period. That and the beer would be nice, cause as you age it's harder on the body. He "fell of the wagon" after the surgery and claimed he needed beer and "McDoubles" from McDonalds cause hospital "starved" him and stressed him out and that it was just for "medicinal" reasons, right after leaving hospital!! Looks better now that those two wired in teeth are out, (teeth were wired in 30 years ago after being knocked out, something they no longer do) cause the swelling has gone down, but the funny looking growth is still there, they said test results negitive for cancer, all though we still don't know why it's there. They tested the third sample and froze a portion of it. I joked that they were going to send it to the CDC! The guys from work bugged him and poked fun and looked it up on internet with their "smart phones", claimed it looks like pictures of "foot and mouth" disease and that it could only be caught by "close and intimate contact" with livestock. Course the "guys at work" made non stop jokes, which is what he deserves, they do it to each other and laugh non stop!
Then he's been complaining that they "abused him" cause his throat is sore from breathing tube beening shoved down while out, and that his limbs and body sore, claims "they must have dropped him on the floor in the OR!" Complained about strange hospital gowns they made him wear too.
Last but not least, just before the trip to hospital the "insurance guy" dropped by, timing couldn't have been better, I joked "take out extra, he's going to hospital now! All's well for now, got my big hubby to baby!!