Two whales swimming in the sea. The male whale was trying to impress the female, but she wanted nothing to do with him as she was being harried by whale hunters. The male finally asked her “ If I help you defeat the hunters, then will you mate with me?” So she agreed.
The male told her the plan, to which she wasn’t too sure would work, but went along. So they took a deep breath at the surface, then swam under the boat together, and then vented all their air out, and all the bubbles upset the boat, causing it to sink.
The sailors began sinking and trying to swim, so the male whale suggested to the female a way to ensure they never hunted her again. She gave him a look, and replied “ I agreed to the blow job, but no way I’m swallowing sea men!”
Sorry, a little risqué! But that’s one of those slyly naughty jokes I like so well.