Nice pond! Thanks for the pictures!
What about all that space in the foreground of the last picture? The end where the pond is wider. There looks to be plenty of space for a bog.
Some here have gone deeper where they didn't have the space. I can't vouch for that, so hopefully they will see this and chime in.
Thank you.
Yes you are right, there is space at the other end but it would be a job to run electricity there. I have power in the shed already so it's a simple task to put an extra pump in close by. The garden is on a higher level to the house and there is a concrete wall and concrete steps. Any power supply to the rear of the garden would have to run between the pond and the fence then under the waterfall. Not impossible true but not really what I want to either do or use that space for. I was going to grass it over and have it for sitting and enjoying the pond.
You have given me an idea though. I have a supply for the waterfall and vortex already. I could maybe put another small/shallow bog at the top of the water fall to the right and gravity feed it back in..........