Our lines, neighborhood and others are underground. Every summer/fall they are out trimming trees back from any above ground lines. They use those helicopters with those huge turning blades below them on some of the trimming.
We are surrounded by trees.
Our lines to the house from the pole are buried, as are most of the ones along our primary roads in the community, but right in our immediate area they are all above ground. The power company comes through & trims the easements on a rotating basis, I think it's about every 4 or 5 years, so... yeah, lots of trees get overgrown in that amount of time.
Watching those flying trimmers is quite something, isn't it? They use those a lot in this area, but not for the trees in our community - those are all hand trimmed (which is probably why they only do it every few years!) Mostly I see those used for trimming trees along roads & highways, so I'm thinking the State is doing it, not the power companies? I dunno. I'm just glad to have the generator, because our power goes out on a regular basis! LOL