Tell us how YOU Winterize YOUR pond.

How do you keep a hole in the ice?

  • heater

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • aerator

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • water pump

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • breather

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • other

    Votes: 5 17.2%

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Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska
I wish to interject a couple of facts concerning the physical properties of water here.
These facts are actually critical to aquatic life and are rather interesting.

First off, pure water (freshwater) increases in density as the temperature decreases approaching the freezing point. However, at 4 degrees C it reaches its maximum density (almost perfectly 1000 Kg per cubic meter). As it cools further, the density begins to decrease and this colder water must rise.

Secondly, because of this property, ice forms at the upper surface of a body of water first and becomes even less dense once it freezes to become a solid.

Thus, the water at the bottom of a pond or lake is always warmer than the freezing point and remains near the 4 degree C temperature (until, of course, the entire body of water becomes so cold that all of the water freezes from the top down).

Check out the difference in the water temperature from two sides of the spectrum with this image below:

This is also related to LAKE TURNOVER in the fall and spring:


Last edited:
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Water Valley, Alberta
Hardiness Zone
Thanks Gordy
Do you have any further information as to what water depths are required for these temperature differences to occur?
I have my pond set up this winter with 2 temperature sensors, one at 2 foot depth, one at 5 foot depth.
For the most part, the temperatures are remaining the same at 3.9 Celsius. My sensors are supposedly accurate +/- 0.5 degrees C.

Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska
Good Morning Mitch,

No, I wouldn't be able to answer to that. I don't believe that there is any definitive rule to apply in that respect. It would depend upond the overall depth and volume of the lake or pond and how long and how cold the body of water is subjected to. Then other factors like heating from the earth below, the sun above and any springs would have to be factored in.

I find it really "cool" (a pun intended) that your temperature readings are right there at that 3.9 degree mark. If your pond's max depth is about five feet, I suspect that the entire volume is going to read that temperature, except right up next to the surface or just inches below the ice layer if it is starting to form.

To detect the temperature differences of all those layers as depicted in the drawings that I posted, and identify them as clearly separate layers, I suspect that you would have to be analyzing a larger pond or lake with a depth of at least 15 feet or greater. Otherwise, you would just be looking at a bucket of water out in the cold and the layers wouldn't be readily discernable. Sound logical to you?

Jun 11, 2012
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Water Valley, Alberta
Hardiness Zone
Right. A lot depends on the earth surrounding the body of water.
My pond is build on a slope with a large 3 foot berm at one end and a 6 inch berm at the other. Our frost line here is somewhere around the 4 foot mark.
The ice thickness on my pond last year was about 2 feet so that's why I chose that level. I think I saw a post somewhere that stratification doesn't occur until the 5 foot depth but I'm not clear what that means exactly.
I have no water circulation in my pond to speak of during the winter, so I'll be monitoring and reporting what the temperature does over the coming months.
I did a test drill on my pond ice depth this past week and it was 8 inches. I posted a picture on the thread "what does your pond look like today"

Oct 14, 2011
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Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska

The hypolimnion is the dense, bottom layer of water in a thermally-stratified lake. It is the layer that lies below the thermocline.
Typically the hypolimnion is the coldest layer of a lake in summer, and the warmest layer during winter. Being at depth, it is isolated from surface wind-mixing during summer, and usually receives insufficient irradiance (light) for photosynthesis to occur.
In deep, temperate lakes, the bottom-most waters of the hypolimnion are typically close to 4 °C throughout the year. The hypolimnion may be much warmer in lakes at warmer latitudes.


Thermoclines can also be observed in lakes. In colder climates, this leads to a phenomenon called stratification. During the summer, warm water, which is less dense, will sit on top of colder, denser, deeper water with a thermocline separating them. The warm layer is called the epilimnion and the cold layer is called the hypolimnion. Because the warm water is exposed to the sun during the day, a stable system exists and very little mixing of warm water and cold water occurs, particularly in calm weather.
One result of this stability is that as the summer wears on, there is less and less oxygen below the thermocline as the water below the thermocline never circulates to the surface and organisms in the water deplete the available oxygen. As winter approaches, the temperature of the surface water will drop as nighttime cooling dominates heat transfer. A point is reached where the density of the cooling surface water becomes greater than the density of the deep water and overturning begins as the dense surface water moves down under the influence of gravity. This process is aided by wind or any other process (currents for example) that agitates the water. This effect also occurs in Arctic and Antarctic waters, bringing water to the surface which, although low in oxygen, is higher in nutrients than the original surface water. This enriching of surface nutrients may produce blooms of phytoplankton, making these areas productive.
As the temperature continues to drop, the water on the surface may get cold enough to freeze and the lake/ocean begins to ice over. A new thermocline develops where the densest water (4 °C) sinks to the bottom, and the less dense water (water that is approaching the freezing point) rises to the top. Once this new stratification establishes itself, it lasts until the water warms enough for the 'spring turnover,' which occurs after the ice melts and the surface water temperature rises to 4 °C. During this transition, a thermal bar may develop.
Waves can occur on the thermocline, causing the depth of the thermocline as measured at a single location to oscillate (usually as a form of seiche). Alternately, the waves may be induced by flow over a raised bottom, producing a thermocline wave which does not change with time, but varies in depth as one moves into or against the flow.


The epilimnion is the top-most layer in a thermally stratified lake, occurring above the deeper hypolimnion. It is warmer and typically has a higher pH and higher dissolved oxygen concentration than the hypolimnion.
Being exposed at the surface, it typically becomes turbulently mixed as a result of surface wind-mixing. It is also free to exchange dissolved gases such as O2 and CO2 with the atmosphere. Because this layer receives the most sunlight it contains the most phytoplankton. As they grow and reproduce they absorb nutrients from the water, when they die they sink into the hypolimnion resulting in the epilimnion becoming depleted of nutrients.


Destratification is a process in which the air or water is mixed in order to eliminate stratified layers of temperature, plant, or animal life. The first example of destratification was in 1919, in a small resorvoir.[1]
A pond's condition deteriorates when the bottom environment cannot support animal life. The bottom is the area that runs out of oxygen first, it is where the most oxygen is used, and it is the farthest from the surface where it is replenished. Without oxygen a lake or pond's self-purification capability is not only reduced, it is reversed. The small animals, snails, worms, bacteria, etc., which help keep a pond clean cannot live, and the pond's nutrients are then recycled from the sediment. This forms a layer of muck at the bottom which serves as a fertilizer for weed and excessive algae growth. It can also cause large fish kills.


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
I don't really want to spend more money on anything .I may look on ebay and see if they have them there cheaper .I was just going to use one of my old pumps to help keep an opening
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska

I have to chuckle at your comment above. When you say it that way, it sounds like you are describing the "Creature From the Black Lagoon!" Makes me recall that old B&W "B" Sci-Fi flick.

Ha! :)


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