OK. so. got the barrel. made a list. in the store buying everything and it seems like it's all adding up... so yeah, just went to a local water garden place. talked to the guy. bought a biological / mechanical filter thing for 150 bucks. saved ourselves time and energy and the supplies were costing more than 1/2 that.
Then we took some advice from the store (and this site) and got a better pump. 1,200gph. It is meant to be run 24/7 unlike the craftamn subpump we had been using. plus the waterfall has a crazy good flow now. Hello aeration!
I know the biological part of the filter will take some time, but the water is clearer than ever jsut from maybe the circulation we have now.
Also our previous pump was pretty much right under the waterfall, we moved the new one to the opposite end as suggested by the store and i think this site.
He also sold us water lettuce and some plants, Gave us a lot of tips for the plants we already have as well on how to get flowers to bloom etc.
He had a ton of ponds in the store and on the property with fish and they were all crystal clear so I trust the guy.
Thanks so much!!!