I'm kind of jumping in here a little late, but I wouldn't think recommend a weaker pump as the way to go.
If it is clogging, my first thought wouldn't be, I should grab a weaker pump and maybe it won't suck up this debris. I don't want that debris in my pond, so I want to continue to suck it up, I just need to make a prefilter that can handle more debris so it doesnt choke out my pump.
I need to clean out my prefilter soon, so I can try to snap you some pictures, but I clean mine maybe once a month, and it still isn't really killing my water pressure when decide to clean it, i just know it has to be pretty dirty so I pull it up and clean it out.
Basically I took 2 baskets (small laundry baskets, or little plastic baskets you would put on a shelf) from the dollar store, and I put my pump inside it, with some lava rock, and then some pillow stuffing, and then put the second basket upside down on top, then I zip tie them together and drop the whole thing into the bottom of my pond.
I know others on here put the pump in a laundry basket filled with lava rock, that works well too., I just like the solid baskets for mine.
If it is clogging, my first thought wouldn't be, I should grab a weaker pump and maybe it won't suck up this debris. I don't want that debris in my pond, so I want to continue to suck it up, I just need to make a prefilter that can handle more debris so it doesnt choke out my pump.
I need to clean out my prefilter soon, so I can try to snap you some pictures, but I clean mine maybe once a month, and it still isn't really killing my water pressure when decide to clean it, i just know it has to be pretty dirty so I pull it up and clean it out.
Basically I took 2 baskets (small laundry baskets, or little plastic baskets you would put on a shelf) from the dollar store, and I put my pump inside it, with some lava rock, and then some pillow stuffing, and then put the second basket upside down on top, then I zip tie them together and drop the whole thing into the bottom of my pond.
I know others on here put the pump in a laundry basket filled with lava rock, that works well too., I just like the solid baskets for mine.