Submersible pump clogging question


Jun 10, 2011
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waterloo, iowa
I'm kind of jumping in here a little late, but I wouldn't think recommend a weaker pump as the way to go.
If it is clogging, my first thought wouldn't be, I should grab a weaker pump and maybe it won't suck up this debris. I don't want that debris in my pond, so I want to continue to suck it up, I just need to make a prefilter that can handle more debris so it doesnt choke out my pump.

I need to clean out my prefilter soon, so I can try to snap you some pictures, but I clean mine maybe once a month, and it still isn't really killing my water pressure when decide to clean it, i just know it has to be pretty dirty so I pull it up and clean it out.

Basically I took 2 baskets (small laundry baskets, or little plastic baskets you would put on a shelf) from the dollar store, and I put my pump inside it, with some lava rock, and then some pillow stuffing, and then put the second basket upside down on top, then I zip tie them together and drop the whole thing into the bottom of my pond.

I know others on here put the pump in a laundry basket filled with lava rock, that works well too., I just like the solid baskets for mine.
May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Northern California
Hardiness Zone
United States
ididntdoit99 said:
I'm kind of jumping in here a little late, but I wouldn't think recommend a weaker pump as the way to go.
If it is clogging, my first thought wouldn't be, I should grab a weaker pump and maybe it won't suck up this debris. I don't want that debris in my pond, so I want to continue to suck it up, I just need to make a prefilter that can handle more debris so it doesnt choke out my pump.

I need to clean out my prefilter soon, so I can try to snap you some pictures, but I clean mine maybe once a month, and it still isn't really killing my water pressure when decide to clean it, i just know it has to be pretty dirty so I pull it up and clean it out.

Basically I took 2 baskets (small laundry baskets, or little plastic baskets you would put on a shelf) from the dollar store, and I put my pump inside it, with some lava rock, and then some pillow stuffing, and then put the second basket upside down on top, then I zip tie them together and drop the whole thing into the bottom of my pond.

I know others on here put the pump in a laundry basket filled with lava rock, that works well too., I just like the solid baskets for mine.
Thank you for your response. You are right about getting out the debris rather than letting it sit in the pond. My thought is since my pond is crystal clear, which baffles me with all the clogging, that if I reduce the suction to gain the water output I want it should be OK. I think too much suction can stir up the debris too much. I am getting so much water flow that I need the venturi to reduce the ouput to my Laguna filter and return it to the pond. My pond is pretty small, 540 gallons so I don't have a lot of options for large filters which is the reason I went to the outside filter. I definitely want to see what your filter looks like as I will try anything to reduce the clogging. The pump that I will be looking at will still be quite strong but less than what I have. I hope to speak with someone at the pond store that may have some recommendations and certainly take what you say into account.

Thanks again and please post the photo of your pre-filter.

May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Northern California
Hardiness Zone
United States
ralphjramirez said:
Thank you for your response. You are right about getting out the debris rather than letting it sit in the pond. My thought is since my pond is crystal clear, which baffles me with all the clogging, that if I reduce the suction to gain the water output I want it should be OK. I think too much suction can stir up the debris too much. I am getting so much water flow that I need the venturi to reduce the ouput to my Laguna filter and return it to the pond. My pond is pretty small, 540 gallons so I don't have a lot of options for large filters which is the reason I went to the outside filter. I definitely want to see what your filter looks like as I will try anything to reduce the clogging. The pump that I will be looking at will still be quite strong but less than what I have. I hope to speak with someone at the pond store that may have some recommendations and certainly take what you say into account.

Thanks again and please post the photo of your pre-filter.

So you can better understand how small my filter is I have attached a link to a photo. This doesn't include the sock............Ralph


Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
Oklahoma Panhandle USA
You can eliminate the clogging by using a larger input screen. As the screen gets larger the speed of the water entering it goes down. Just like the same amount of water will flow slower in larger pipe, if that makes any sense.

If you want to filter out the stuff that is now plugging the screen change the setup to have the pump after the mechanical filter.
May 27, 2013
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Northern California
Hardiness Zone
United States
dieselplower said:
What kind of debris is clogging up your pump? Just wondering if there is a way to cut down on what the pump is sucking in.
Hello dieselplower, the debris is hard to define. It is fine enough to get into the normal filters provided by Rio (see prior posts). It isn't leaves or anything that large. Today I purchased another filter and pump which hopefully will solve my problem. It is at least twice the size of my previous filter with better filtration material. I have also inserted my previous filter sock inside the new one and have capped the top with filter material to create a complete seal all around the pump. There is now coniserably more filtering surface so it should work, keeping my fingers crossed. I wanted a lot of water action and that I am getting. I may decide to add a ball valve to reduce the water flow but at this point don't know what could be too much, time will tell. I will report back what my results are once everything stabilizes.

Thanks for your interest.

May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Northern California
Hardiness Zone
United States
HTH said:
You can eliminate the clogging by using a larger input screen. As the screen gets larger the speed of the water entering it goes down. Just like the same amount of water will flow slower in larger pipe, if that makes any sense.

If you want to filter out the stuff that is now plugging the screen change the setup to have the pump after the mechanical filter.
Thanks HTH, you are right on the larger input screen and that is what I have done, see my reply to dieselplower.



Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
Oklahoma Panhandle USA
Ralph what Rio pump are you using I use the 2500 with just a input screen my wife made from plastic canvas. The pump is resting in a tank with about 6 lilies which is part of a 1000+ gallon system. The screen blocked the first 3 or 4 days and has since remained clear.

I like the 2500 because it has an impeller with hinged blades. Not sure but I think that allows it to pass some bits more easily.

May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Northern California
Hardiness Zone
United States
HTH said:
Ralph what Rio pump are you using I use the 2500 with just a input screen my wife made from plastic canvas. The pump is resting in a tank with about 6 lilies which is part of a 1000+ gallon system. The screen blocked the first 3 or 4 days and has since remained clear.

I like the 2500 because it has an impeller with hinged blades. Not sure but I think that allows it to pass some bits more easily.

Howard, the Rio 2100 is quite similar to yours, same impeller but I was told that the without water getting to the impeller area could cause motor burnout. The impeller was always clean but the pre-filter would clog not allowing hardly any water through. My new setup should hopefully eliminate requiring frequent cleaning. Today's purchases included a new pump as the Rio motor which had been running for at least 3 years 24/7 developed a problem in that it would intermittently not restart when stopping it to clean the pre-filter a big problem should it stop when I am away for an extended period. It would restart after removing the impeller and re-inserting it. Don't know why this worked as it was spot clean but it did.

Thanks for all your input.



Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
Oklahoma Panhandle USA
Good chance the impeller needs replacing. If the new pump is identical try the new impeller in the old pump. BUT don't break it and blame ME ;)
May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Northern California
Hardiness Zone
United States
Howard, the Rio pump is what I had but it was replaced with a Pondmaster by Danner, model 18, 1800 GPH, Magnetic Drive. There is no Rio distributor in my area and I also wanted the ability of exchanging the pump if it was not suited for my pond. The retailer I bought my pump from has an excellent reputation and has been in the same location for many years. Online is always cheaper but in this case I wanted convenience should problems arise. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for your suggestions.

HTH said:
Good chance the impeller needs replacing. If the new pump is identical try the new impeller in the old pump. BUT don't break it and blame ME ;)
May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Northern California
Hardiness Zone
United States
ralphjramirez said:
Hello dieselplower, the debris is hard to define. It is fine enough to get into the normal filters provided by Rio (see prior posts). It isn't leaves or anything that large. Today I purchased another filter and pump which hopefully will solve my problem. It is at least twice the size of my previous filter with better filtration material. I have also inserted my previous filter sock inside the new one and have capped the top with filter material to create a complete seal all around the pump. There is now coniserably more filtering surface so it should work, keeping my fingers crossed. I wanted a lot of water action and that I am getting. I may decide to add a ball valve to reduce the water flow but at this point don't know what could be too much, time will tell. I will report back what my results are once everything stabilizes.

Thanks for your interest.

Hello everyone, another update. The debris that the filter was picking up was algae which now has attached itself to the walls of the pond. I have medicated the pond with AlgaeFix, small dose and scraped as much off as I could. After one day of filtration I cleaned the motor pre-filter and the Laguna outside filter including the pads. I waited another day and again added a slight dosage of AlgaeFix. I am now on day 8 since cleaning the filter(s) and my pond is crystal clear and have great water flow, I couldn't be happier. I will probably back-flush in a couple more days but my problem with the pump pre-filter appears solved. I don't intend to clean this pre-filter until I determine that water flow is reduced by this filter and not the Laguna. The Laguna has a pretty good Clean Indicator that will help me make this determination.

Thanks to everyone for your help. I'll let you know how much longer the pre-filter remains un-clogged.

May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Northern California
Hardiness Zone
United States
HTH said:
I expect the label says AlgaeFix is safe for the bio filter but I would be checking ammonia and nitrites.
Hi Howard. Unfortunately the Laguna Pressure-Flo 700 UVC is not a biological filter. When I first ordered it I thought it was but there was conflicting info on the manual, in one part of the instructions it indicated there was no biological media in the 2500 but later on it indicated the 700 and 2500. I was disappointed but did nothiing more than call them and advise them of the error in the manual. I have used AlgaeFix many times before and using the dosage I apply it has never raised the ammonia and nitrates but I admit I haven't checked it for quite some time. I will do as you suggest and check just to make sure.

Thanks again Howard...............Ralph

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