I wish I would have found this forum before I started my pond!! Anyway..
I mentioned in a newbie thread that I just finished building my little pond, well almost. I still have some landscaping to do and need more plants for the pond. Anyway, I modified the skippy biofilter to be smaller and to have a wide spillway instead of a spout. My pond is around 400 gallons, and judging from waterfall filters in the stores and the water garden specialty store in my area I assumed that I could get away with making it smaller. I just got things up and running and have green water. I posted a thread asking advice in the newbie forum, and got a lot of advice. Mostly more plants and patience (I have very little of both) Reading up about this Doc Filter though, I was wondering if using tubing or netting would be better in my filter. Here's a pic of my media. My pump is submerged in the pond, so nothing that large will ever be in the filter. I don't have any sort of drain on it because the skippy site implied that it really wasn't neccessary. I have the pictured media in my filter first cut to fit the container perfectly as one layer, then cut into small pieces on top of that, finally I cut another piece to fit perfectly on top, mainly to keep all the little pieces in there. They weren't flowing out, but I was afraid they may eventually. Should I switch to the tubing or netting?