Well, I'll be darn! Haro, I would have said that they were not water lettuce, but I must admit that when I looked at the picture on here it sure did look like lettuce, and that was before I asked! JW, you're right, and so is Haro! They are the dwarf variety, I guess! They have the exact same root system, and they did super when put out in the sun. I will take them in and put them under a high intensity light for the winter. I'm so excited, as the one and only water lettuce (regular variety) died within 2 weeks in my pond; however, I'm sure the koi were feeding on the roots, thus killing it, or so I would guess, knowing what I now know about that! These will feed my fish next year, but I will first reproduce as many as I can through the winter, and then put some back in the bog to reproduce in the spring, and the rest in the pond for the fish! I'm soooo excited! Thanks both of you for identifying them!!!
And, JW, I had a very nice wet spring, but here we had very little rain since July 15 or so, and hot conditions (90's) so that is why I was watering. I had it in the original pot until only about 3 weeks ago, so that is why I was daily watering it. It started suffering in the pot, I must say though, so maybe I was overwatering it. I was also fertilizing with a very diluted solution of Miracle Grow (1 tbl per 3.5 gal of water), so maybe that hurt it, too. I am hopeful it will come back in the spring, though, since the branches are all very subtle and none are dried and brittle.