LOL I love a good controversy.
If you use the argument that we don't need to hunt anymore because the grocery store has plenty of meat, then we have to start examining where that grocery meat came from and the conditions they were raised under. When you start getting into that you'll have to admit that most wild game animals have better lives then captive animals bred for consumption. Admitting that you then you have to question which is crueler hunting or buying meat in the supermarket?
Most "hunters" I know pride themselves on a clean kill and don't like to things suffer. Also they'll exercise a degree of sportsmanship when hunting, but like just about anything else there are rotten apples in every crowd, and there are inexperienced people who'll go for the long shot that might end up only wounding an animal that allows it to run away so they can't finish it off cleanly.
If it's the word sport that you have a problem with then how about "sport" fishing? or sports car racing? or sports in general? Surely if we took all the billions of dollars spent and wasted on sports like soccer, football, hockey, etc,,, and put it towards constructive things like feeding hungry children finding a cure for cancer, or developing clean energy, our world would be much better off.
I don't hunt (anymore), but I do eat meat, and I carry a little shame in that I buy meat in the supermarket and doing so support that industry.
You bring up a good point...nobody ever has a problem with You never hear of fishing protests unless its commercial netting or whale hunting or something like that. You never hear people complain about the guy on the lake fishing for his own consumption but a man with a gun going to kill a deer for his own consumption can be scrutinized like crazy. Like I said I don't care to hunt but I never scrutinize people who do. Alot of people in my family hunt and I love eating venison. I think people totally against hunting to the point they must voice there opinions should be vegan. You can't have a problem with hunting but not have a problem with the conditions animals are kept in at slaughterhouses and still eat meat. Its hypocritical. I don't think much about it and will always eat meat. Nothing is better than a good steak...