I agree with JW, cameras really do help persuade people to behave themselves.
I have had surveillance systems in my last place and the place I am currently living in.
I set this last surveillance system up a couple years ago when my neighbor here moved in after his mother died. The mother was loopy herself, but her son is a classic
sociopath. First thing he did when he moved in was to cut our garden irrigation lines I had attached to our side of the chainlink fence. When I asked him why he did it, his reply was the fence was on his side of the property and therefore he was just cleaning up "his" property. Without even doing a survey there is plenty of evidence that the fence is on our property, and as you have found even a legal survey won't convince idiots from ,,, well,, being idiots. So instead of going that route and wasting time I beefed up the supports for the irrigation lines, so he would have to really do some damage to take it down, and I set up a surveillance system with no less than 4 cameras pointing at the fence line. What ever he does now I will have direct and damming evidence against him should maters end up in court. and he knows it, Needless to say he has behaved himself with regard to the fence line, still he is a long way from being cured, so I'm glad I have surveillance.
Consumer surveillance systems are actually pretty cheap now, well within the budget of most people. I just finished installing a 4 camera system for the friend of another neighbor, the system only cost $300. But perhaps in your case Larkin, that money would be better spent on mouthwash???? LOL