I have a 12,000 gallon pond in its 2nd year---in Iowa. Everything runs smoothly through two 4-inch bottom drains into pre-filter, then to Ultima main filter. But now I've noticed a drop in water pressure coming from the pond. There is nothing clogging the bottom inlets in the pond, for I've been careful to remone leaves and other debris, so I'm very suspicious for the snails I put in earlier this year. Every once in a while, I will find a snail in the pre-filter, and found a little one just recently. Could they be multiplying in my drains and clogging them up? It seems inpossible to test as the pond is full of water --and fish... Do people routinely pull a brush through their bottom drains or otherwise clean them? That sure seems like e alot of work. But I'm running low on volume into my pre-filter, and the pump is sucking air all the time. The bottom drains are clogged with something. What should I do?