koiguy1969 said:
simply put..TO MY KNOWLEDGE..theres no biofilter that gets rid of green water. green water is an alge. algeas are plants. the final product of any biofilter is nitrates. nitrates are plant food. its not likely that giving a plant plant food is gonna get rid of it.. a u.v will clear green water.
This is totally in agreement to what I surmised regarding the cause, but Koiguy, I disagree with you on the UV method of irradication. I beleive it may work to some extent, but the underlying cause for the algae growth is still present, so the algae will continue, even though you are killing some of it off with the UV. Tee needs to determine what is causing the algae to grow and attack that as well, otherwise it will just be a never ending battle to kill off the new algae that keeps reproducing. Maybe if you cycle enough of the pond water through the UV clarifier, all the algae would be killed off eventually, but that might take a long time and then it probably will come right back if you turn the UV off. Basically, there is something about the pond chemistry that is promoting algae growth and until that is corrected, it will always be a constant battle to remove this algae.