Ours isn't very attractive, but fortunately is hidden under our "Bridge". It's just a Tetra that I fastened some insulation foam to the sides and ballasted the side pockets with pea gravel. During high water the sticks over the cover keep it submerged enough to prevent cavitation of the pump. The pump is attached through a 1 1/2" hose and discharges about 15 feet away along the side of the pond which between that, the waterfall and the bog return create a stately circular flow in the pond.
We have a lot of trees around and I have to clean the skimmer every other day because of the pollen trapped in the mesh media. The system isn't perfect, but I didn't want to introduce the potential for a leak by cutting into the side of the liner and install a formal skimmer.
As it is, it's pretty hidden.....
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The "sticks" rotate outwards to allow opening the lid and cleaning the element.
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Difficult to see even knowing where to look.
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Not very attractive, but very functional and easy to service the skimmer, aerator, and mechanical filter.