I have to show my best friends ,I went from a red trike and red wagon to this and love it cart and lawn mower have hauled everything and is used well .I always show aggie in good pics and now bert says it is his turn and aggie the tank .I planted these hibiscus and they were only 4 inches tall when I put the mulch down in May and look at them already .The fence and put in the weeping pussy willow and liriope in front of the fence facing the road .Still have to go get a truckload of mulch again ,There is a ditch in front of the fence and when it rained my lawn mower would always slide sideways heading into the ditch ,fence should solve that problem .These geese are a pain and just follow you every where you go when I am there .Yep Mike has been great paying and does a lot of odd jobs around here I just can't do .They think they got the better part of the deal but i think I did and found good friends in the deal also .WIN WIN :razz: