Its going to freeze hard next week, that's the forcast Tues and Weds, so I will have to move my succllent dishes inside the greenhouse and debating about harvesting my hubbys Black Mamouth Tabacco, I should just leave it to freeze, even if it is the Natural Organic kind, he was using his "home grown" tabacco to "ween" himself off the real stuff.
Everything in the pond will be just fine, everything except the Calla lillys that is... The Calla can freeze off the tops quite hard, but not the bulb. I have left the Calla in the pond with the tops totally froze off, then took them in the greenhouse, otherwise if I take both of them inside still growing, they will bloom like crazy and look great, but take too much room inside. I think I will leave one growing all years to look good inside the greenhouse, but let the other freeze off and go domant, that way they won't overtake my greenhouse, cause I half to fit lots of suff inside.
I leave the water lillys outside, UNDER the ice, but not IN the ice. BIG difference! If they are a foot or so down in my pond, they will be just fine, cause I heat the pond so the ice is never more than five or so inches thick.
The leaves are really falling fast, the net seems to keep most of the leaves out, but some are small and fall threw, not a big deal, they can be removed in the spring too, when the have sunk down to the bottom of pond.
Pictures of the "middle" pond