Raising Monarchs

Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Well, as if the first batch was not enough, I am doing "Take II"! I spotted a bunch of new eggs on the milkweed plants, so decided to watch them. Each day there were more eggs, and I even spotted a few baby caterpillars, and one that was almost half grown. When I didn't spot the larger caterpillar for 2 days, I decided to jump in and help them out ... again. :)
So, I started out about a week ago with eggs, and a few teeny tiny caterpillars. This very small milkweed plant must be a favorite of the monarchs, because every day there were more eggs! I could not help but take a leaf that had 4 eggs on it finally. LOL I'm watching the rest of them closely, as the plant is behind the other larger plants, and more sheltered, so hoping other bugs and so forth will leave these babies alone.
small milkweed plant.JPG

Newborn caterpillar, less than 1/4" long. Adorable, huh?! ;)
newborn monarch caterpillar.JPG

There are 5 baby caterpillars on this one leaf. Had to refresh the leaf supply couple of days ago to accommodate the "kids".
5 baby monarch caterpillars.JPG

This is the largest of the above caterpillars, still less than 1/2" long.
biggest caterpillar so far.JPG

This is the smallest caterpillar from the group of 5.
tiny baby caterpillar.JPG

And, I could not help but grab some more leaves with eggs, while I was gathering leaves for food!
3 more eggs .JPG

I'm no longer sure of my egg/caterpillar count, but there are about 15 or so, maybe more. Yikes!!! This is just a 10 gallon aquarium, may need to enlist the 55 gallon next year, to really have lots of space for them. :)


Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
Hardiness Zone
United States
This is so exciting and so glad you're sharing it with us! What an awesome success!

My swamp milkweed just grows & grows [and falls over....], but no evidence of flowers. Haven't seen but a couple of butterflies in the yard all summer, and none were monarchs. Right now those little orange aphid-things are back, but not seeing any evidence of predator-bugs.... Maybe our yard is just not on the trail :(
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
My swamp milkweed plants (I had two about 2' apart from each other, they grew like one big bush) were taken over by aphids, too. I counted 23 caterpillars of all sizes on those plants last week, and was sooooo tempted to bring them inside, but don't have space for that many. I worry those plants will not have enough food for them, as about 1/2 of the plants are dead from the aphids. Guess I will have to watch it closer next year, but no idea how to keep the aphids off, and still make the food safe for the monarch.
I have about 20 caterpillars in my 10 gallon aquarium, and they are really growing. have to feed them daily now. The biggest one is on the top, probably will get ready to go to chrysalis, but seems too small for that yet, so not sure. Others are only maybe 4 days old, so quite small. Will be hard to get them all hatched and outside, since on such a different time schedule this time. Probably will hatch over 2 weeks, instead of 2-3 days.
Last Thursday I couldn't take it, brought in 5 more infants. LOL So, my time frame is growing wider all the time! This is how I have figured out to move them to a new leaf without touching them, since I can't bring the leaves they are on, being covered with aphids. I try not to touch them at all, unless one of the tiny babies falls onto the floor of the aquarium. The bottom left baby is about 1/4" or less, probably newly hatched that day. Middle one is probably 2-3 days old.
5 infants .JPG

Here are 3 that were close to each other, all different sizes. As a size comparison, that small one is about 1/2" long.
3 sizes.JPG

And, here's a baby, probably 3-4 days old. They seem to take forever to grow the first week, and then poof, they are HUGE!


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Nice job CE I have not seen any this year.


Native Gardener
Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
Southeastern Wisconsin
Hardiness Zone
United States
I had one remaining monarch caterpillar in my garden and it was getting big so I brought it in today. I'll see how it goes as far as raising it. I don't expect to have it for too long since it's so big already, so I thought this would be a good chance to try raising it. It also gives me a chance to get chrysalis shots.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Good job, JB! I sat for over 2 hours 2 weekends ago to get a video of one of my monarchs coming out of the chrysalis! Two had emerged that morning, and I was sure there were going to be 5 that day, and there WERE! I missed the 3rd one, going to the bathroom, and forgetting to look! Within 5 minutes, it was out. So, I parked a chair, tv tray and computer, me and my camera and sat and waited and waited! FINALLY, the 4th one emerged, and I was super excited to get it on video. Silly me, I had all the time in the world to prepare lots of light, but didn't even think of that. So, the video is kind of dark, but you will see the beautiful monarch emerge even so. :) I hope this works copying and pasting my FB page!
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
And, here are some photos of #17 before and after the video above. To date, I have had 32 monarch I have released from the second group I took in, plus 6 in the first group. I have 5 more chrysalises, but I think one of them is "dead", so hoping for 4 more butterflies to release.
Also, something kind of interesting, I listened to a documentary about monarchs, and learned that shortly after a monarch caterpillar goes into a chrysalis, if you carefully open the chrysalis, it is ... goo! Yep, not still a caterpillar changing to a butterfly, it's wet goo! Funny, huh? I had no idea!!!
So, here is the "before" picture of #17, before the video was taken.
#17 better.JPG

Then after the video, here are a few pics, the last of which was taken only about 5 minutes after the video was taken! They open their wings up really fast! Not positive, but think #17 was a female. Enjoy!
#17 shortly after birth.JPG
#17 after video.JPG
#17 only 5 minutes after emerging.JPG
Oct 28, 2013
Reaction score
Northern IL
Was anyone able to see the video? Just wondering if it worked. It did for me, but maybe because it was my own FB page!

Yup! I could see it just fine! Very cool!

Here's a word of warning to anyone who is growing milkweed in your garden - watch the pods. Decide just HOW MANY PLANTS you want springing up in your garden (and your neighbor's garden and your neighbor's neighbor's garden...) and judiciously control how many of the pods you allow to ripen and burst forth with their billions of airborne seeds. Because they WILL germinate. Everywhere!

I planted a tropical milkweed variety last year in my bog and wasn't at all concerned about the seeds floating delicately all over the yard. It's tropical, right? Well - yes. The parent plant won't survive our winters... but those lovely, delicate seeds WILL! We have milkweed EVERYWHERE! Luckily they are easy to pull up when they're tiny, but they are legion! And the only other positive is the new plants that I did allow to grow don't appear to be producing seed pods. Maybe they need a longer growing season? Anyway, I was smart enough to cull the pods from my native milkweed (just harvested another grocery sack full yesterday!) but didn't consider the tropical variety!

You are FOREWARNED! ;)

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